Diwali Celebrations & Annadaan

Diwali Celebrations at the Samaj
Wednesday, 3rd November, 2010
Collection Drive of clothes and articles in good condition – 6 to 7 pm
Magic Show for the orphanage children – 7 to 8 pm
Distribution of gifts to orphanage children and felicitations – 8 to 8.15 pm
Diwali Feast - Dinner for orphange children - 8.20 pm.
Dinner for Members and Guests - 8.45 pm
Members and well-wishers of the Samaj donated assorted items of clothing and utility articles,
which have been sorted out and sent to the following institutions:
1. Items of clothing were sent to under-privileged communities in Lucknow,managed by Dharam Bharathi Mission.
2. Items of clothing were sent to under-privileged communities in Borivili, supported by Big Gift Foundation.
3. Items of clothing were sent to under-privileged communities in Jogeshwari, supported by ASTITVA Gift Foundation.
4. Items of clothing were sent to many deserving poor children, from construction sites in Navi Mumbai.
5. Items of clothing were sent to school-going poor children, from slum communities in Chembur.
6. Items of clothing were sent to under-privileged kids at St. Arnolds Girls Home in Orissa.
7. Storybooks were donated to Maria Sharan Home for Girls near Pune.
8. Foodstuff was donated to the MHM Orphanage for Girls in Chembur.
All this has been possible only through the hard work and dedicated efforts of Prof. R S S Mani. He
has proved to be an excellent co-ordinator, who shares a wonderful rapport with the children of these
institutions. He is a vital link between the Samaj and the social work the members wish to be involved in.
We salute his efforts.