About Us

Established in 1967, Shree Hariharaputra Bhajan Samaj is a registered charitable institution and a leading socio-cultural organization.
The main objectives and activities of the Samaj are as follows:
Provide a diagnostic Medical Centre for the economically backward classes and hutment dwellers, free of cost. Smt. Premabai Laxmichand Lapsia Medical Centre provides basic health services and medical aid to the needy, by engaging qualified medical practitioners on daily basis.
Provide a Learning Centre for educational, cultural and spiritual knowledge. Classes are held to teach the Veda-s, Yoga, Music, Dance and allied subjects.
In order to inculcate and develop a sense of secularism and to foster the spirit of devotion and social service, conduct daily community prayers and periodic discourses and namasankirtan.
Extend financial and charitable assistance to the poor and needy, irrespective of caste, creed, religion or sex.
Award scholarships, stipends and concessions to deserving students.
Spread the message of universal brotherhood, through various programmes conducted by the Samaj.
Career Guidance Seminar
Shri Brij Narain Seth Computer Education Centre
Samaj Library & Reading Room
Educational Aid
In 2002, the Samaj completed the construction of its building, passionately called Shankaralayam by its members. This is a dream complex, comprising a Prayer Hall on the ground floor for Satsang, independent Community Halls on the first and second floors, a Medical Centre on the third floor and a Terrace Garden. In 2006, the new Samaj Office was inaugurated. On the first floor, this office serves as a professional working area for the Managing Committee.
Sri Kirit Lapsia Hall on the first floor, Sri G.K. Kalyanasundaram Memorial Hall on the second floor and Smt. Premabai Laxmichand Lapsia Hall on the third floor are widely patronised for major social and cultural functions. These beautifully constructed, independent halls are very popular venues for social and religious functions. Each floor is self-contained and all facilities are available for celebrations and social events.
Today, Shree Hariharaputra Bhajan Samaj has grown into an institution well-known for its dedicated services to society. The Medical Centre is a hub of activity, where the under-priviliged can avail of medical aid, which would otherwise have been beyond their reach. Other activities of the Samaj helps the members participate in social service.
Orphanage Feeding
The Samaj feeds around 300 students from orphanage homes every year. Besides the feast served by Samaj members and their wives, destitute children are given school uniforms, clothing, footwear, books etc.
Cultural Centre
Since 1995, regular classes in Bharatanatyam, Carnatic Music and Bhajan singing are conducted by leading gurus. Yoga classes are also held.
Dance Guru : Mrs. Jayashree Nair
Music Guru : Shri Sriram