Diwali Dhamaka 2011

Diwali Dhamaka was organized for under-privileged children from various
homes on Saturday, 22nd October, 2011 at our Samaj. Around 175
children and 25 staff members participated in this event.
The second floor hall of the Samaj was beautifully decorated to usher in a
festive mood. From 4 to 6.15 pm, the children danced to melodious numbers
being played by a DJ. They enjoyed the various Games Stalls that were put
up. Pop corn and candy floss stalls were also a big hit with the kids !
After 6.30 pm, some of the children from the different homes performed
brilliantly, drawing huge cheers and applause from all present. After the
Magic Show arranged by Prof RSS Mani, the staff of these homes was
felicitated, along with the sponsor of the DJ, Games and Stalls, Mr. Sajeel
from Consumer Links.
The event was conceived and directed by Prof. RSS Mani. Rajeshwari
(Thangu) was specially honoured for her significant role in making this
event a grand success, her infectious enthusiasm and total involvement.
The Samaj also gratefully acknowledges the contributions by cash and
cheque, from many members and well-wishers and looks forward to their
continued support and patronage in future events.