JUNE SEVA - Distribution of Educational Kits - Saturday, 23rd June, 2012, 4 pm

Letter from Sister Moksha, Ranbambuli, Sindhudurg
Dear Sir,
Thanks once again for the generous contribution of stationery and umbrellas for our kids. We had given the bags to the
boarding children of Ranbambuli in Sindhudurg district. These children are from villages, coming from a very poor background.
Most of them are migrants. Our sisters are helping them to complete their education by enrolling them in English medium and
supporting them with fees and educational material. They sincerely appreciated the gift of umbrellas, as most children did not
have and were in need of during this rainy season. The sisters too thank you and assure their prayers. Greetings from
Ranbambuli boarding children to all the people of your Samaj.
Thanks! Sister Moksha
Distribution of schoolbags at Nasrugi
The children were delighted with the Educational Kit that they received, that included a school-bag, notebooks,
pens, pencils, compass box, water bottle, tiffin box and an umbrella. They enjoyed the snacks served to them.
The kit was distributed to around 650 children, from the following centers:
After-Care Hostel for Boys
MHM Home for Girls
MHM Home for Boys
Vidhya Aadhar Pratisthan (VAP)
Sujaya Foundation
Aniket Childrens’Home, Panvel
Balgram, Panvel
An open letter that describes the event from Ritaa Vazirani, SHARAN
Prof Mani Sir,
Yesterday was one of the happiest days for my children ! Thank you ever so much for making it possible for them ! I haven't seen them this excited in a long time, they were literally hopping with happiness ! Sir, as you know, they have never been given such expensive gifts - their parents could never afford them, though the kids do make demands on them. It really means heaven to them ! Your kind efforts and gesture from the Samaj has touched my heart and I am in tears thinking of your deep affection and kind feelings for these unfortunate children. All due to your very kind and compassionate thoughts and efforts for the poor. I have so much to say and yet no words will suffice. I feel so honored knowing you and the Samaj.