Samaj Shakti Awards 2012

Dear Friends,
"Challenges make life interesting, however, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
You have done it! you have done our Samaj Proud by your excellent performance thru' your
participation and involvement in ensuring runaway success of our 13th Samaj Shakti Awards
cum Musical Nite event, which was held on Saturday 26th May 2012.
Probably, this year's 13th edition has been the best conducted event so far. Packed house,
scintillating music with superb rendition of old nostalgic songs, high quality of compering laced
with generous dosage of comedy, professionally managed and well scripted awards function,
high profile VVIPs and icing on the cake- most deserving awardees.
Since the time the time the function ended at 10.30 PM on 26th May 2012 up to now, I have
been flooded with congratulatory messages and messages of high appreciation from various
people who had attended the programme.
So, friends, you have proved that if we hold each other's hands and work towards success of
the event, with conviction and dedication, we are bound to succeed.
Pause, for a moment, and introspect, as you savor the accolades and appreciation which are
flowing and being showered upon us and our Samaj:- Please answer the following questions
and do self evaluation and grade yourself accordingly:-
1) What was the quantum of efforts that went in to make this event a thunderous success- what has been my contribution? [not financial]
2) Which new areas were explored for publicity and promotion of the event? what was my role in helping promoting the event?
3) What initiatives were taken by me to introduce new ideas? or pursue the new ideas that were being implemented?
4) What had been my response to meetings called? and, what were the inputs given by me or what was my level of compliance to the directions given at the meetings?
5) How much time did I devote every day, starting one month before the event, to think and act on the event?
6) What efforts were put in by me, from the very beginning, towards the planning and execution of the event?
7) How many people/friends etc. and organisations did I contact to market this event for passes? [Sale of donor passes]
8) How many corporates/ business houses/contacts did I pursue/contact [or at least, attempted] for Sponsorships / banners / donations?
9) What was my level of enthusiasm, passion and commitment from beginning stages of the event up to the end?
10) Did I volunteer/undertake to shoulder responsibility in any given area of operations, at the beginning?
11) What was my role in helping/assisting in identifying meritorious recipients for the prestigious awards?
12) How regular was I following up with the Samaj, with regards to regular status updates on [A] Position of Donor passes [B] Collections i.e. ponsorships / banners / donations etc.
13) How many times did I ever interact with other volunteers to ascertain the status of various issues and how much did I motivate them?
PS.: Me means you! since you are answering the questions which have been framed as if you are asking yourself!
Well, besides the above, it would be necessary for you to know:
1) The magnitude of efforts being put in to conceptualize, script and execute such an
mammoth event, with a conviction of getting the required financial backing.
2) The efforts, time and other resources that go into planning and execution of such
an event.
3) The sacrifices of time and other commitments made by people who are intensely
involved in conduct of the event.
Eventually, this event is being conducted [a] as a part of our Samaj's social activity [b] as it is a
very critical fund raising event, we need huge funds to help us meet our Samaj's increasing
expenses on account of maintenance/taxes/wages/etc., [c] to make our members and volunteers
as good organizational leaders and good ambassadors of our Samaj and our Society, [d] To bring
every one close to one another and make our spectrum of family [friend] circle wider and wider,
[e] to fulfill our social obligations and commitment towards our society and our Samaj, and finally,
[f] to market and give as much visibility to our Samaj to the outside world.
Friends, I shall be really obliged it you could take some of your precious time out in evaluating
yourself and really doing some introspection? this will not only help you in getting into the right
frame for the next event of the Samaj, but, this will also help Samaj facilitate the involvement
process with injection of high dosage of 'Passion' towards our Samaj.
Thanks for all your support and help in making this event truly memorable and FANTASTIC!
With warm regards,
Jayyannt Lapsiaa